Thursday, July 27, 2017

Many more facts that show exactly why 45 is an ignorant, lying hypocrite.

45 posted this yesterday with a link to HIS instagram, showing a video of his own followers treating him as someone who deserves worship.
He also posted a series of tweets announcing that transsexuals would be banned from serving in the military in any capacity. (Shown below)

Now, first, I'd like to point out that this is nothing more than a blatant distraction technique while he and the GOP attempted to slip by with their bill to repeal Obamacare with no replacement, effectively taking insurance from over 20 million people in this country.

It's also a distraction to make people angry enough, he hopes, to forget that he and the GOP are trying to repeal Obamacare without any replacement, effectively taking away insurance from over 20 million people in this country.

He's also hoping it will make people forget that he, his family, and much of his administration, colluded with Russia to win him the election despite a HUGE Popular vote win by Hillary Clinton, and continues to collude with Russia now.
However, Mr. Dump,, we have not forgotten. We WILL NOT forget and we WILL not stand for what you have done to this prospering and positively progressive country.

However, seeing as 2018 voting to get rid of all of the Republicans is a year out, let me go ahead and remind everyone why he is such a hypocrite and a liar NOW.

Now, pretending he is a Christian man in itself is a joke. Any true Christian will tell you that Christianity is spreading God's word of love, respect, kindness and ALL. 

45 is on record as calling women disgusting names, bragging to Billy Bush about sexually harassing and groping women, has been recorded sexualizing barely teenage children, and don't forget the rape accusations of then 15 year old girls with other wealthy friends of his. 

Tell me, folks. What about any of that behavior says Christian to you? 

Now, let us discuss his announcement to ban Trans men and women from serving in any capacity of the military. Now, the reason for this, as 45 claims, is that the medical costs associated with a Trans soldier's surgical needs are apparently a burden. It's too costly, it seems. 

The argument we see the most in agreement with the Mango Mussolini's ignorance is that transition surgery is elective; that changing one's biological gender is a choice and not a necessity and therefore should be paid for out of their own pocket.

Now, here's where the hypocrisy comes into play. If you research where military spending is most used, you'll find that the medical bills associated with the Trans community cost far less than, say, Viagra for men with erectile disfunction; so much less in fact, that five times more is spent on Viagra than Trans related medical costs(TRM costs). How much exactly? 

According to several fact check websites that got their numbers directly from the military spending reports TRM costs range from 2.4 million to 8.4 million annually. Erectile Disfunction costs? That's more complicated. 

Now, according to this article, Viagra is not the only E.D. related medication the military spends millions on every year and in 2014, the Pentagon spent 84.24 million dollars on eight different E.D. drugs. 

In case you're not paying attention, or not great with numbers, the Viagra costs alone are more than five times the "burden" on the Pentagon that TRMs are and E.D. medical costs altogether are more than 10 times the cost of TRM costs. 

Now, being able to physically have sex isn't a medical necessity. I mean, there are religious figures who abstain from sex their entire lives. It's not a requirement medically. It doesn't stop anyone from urinating or anything of the like. Having sex is clearly a choice so why should the Pentagon need to pay for the issues of men who can't get an erection? It's their choice to be sexually active, right? Not to mention, they're far more of a burden on the military financially than anyone in the Transgender community. 

See how easy that was to disprove as a financial burden? That's because it's a lie. 

45 has a problem with every person that isn't another rich, white, greedy bastard. 

He's a racist. 

He's a bigot.

He's sexist. 

He's arrogant.

He's an egotist. 

He's prejudice. 

He's homophobic. 

He's a liar, a phony, a coward an unethical pig, an uneducated, clueless bastard. 

Not to mention, he is the most inexperienced, unworthy sack of bullshit that has absolutely no business in the most powerful seat in the country. 

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